Embracing online marketing without using E-mails reduces your audience reach. As almost everybody have a personal email which is checked regularly, email marketing enables clients to regularly reach out to their contacts
We are a leading provider of permission-based email marketing solutions, strategy and services. Backed by the strongest commitment to client success in the industry, a dedicated client services team, unrivaled expertise in email marketing best practices and technology, Clay’s Concept is definitely your partner for email marketing success.
E-Mail Marketing Can Be Used For
Let your customers know about your products and services again
[/bsf-info-box]Let your regular contacts/subscribers get your latest updates
[/bsf-info-box]Proper E-mail marketing can make your website more popular
[/bsf-info-box]Why Choose E-Mail Marketing
Wider Reach
Email marketing can reach a wide audience in a short period of time and allows recipients to immediately act on messages. We have a large database with respect to your nature of services.
With email marketing, you don’t have to pay for printing and postage, which means that it’s one of the cheapest ways to stay in contact with your customers.
Creative Adverts
Regularly delivered email messages with proper subject lines and logos reinforce company and product awareness.
Keeps Customers On Loop
Putting out monthly or weekly emails about specials and business updates is one of the best ways to keep customers coming back time after time.
Mobile Compatible
Our E-mail newsletters are readable even in mobile phones and tablet devices.
Understanding Customer Behaviour
With the option of customers to subscribe and unsubscribe, Email marketing enables customers to better understand customer behaviours.