
Why You Need A Responsive Website

With the expected rise in the use of mobile devices (phones, tablets), if your website is not designed to adjust to mobile devices, you definitely are not trendy. This is the main reason most website designers opt you for a responsive design.


What is a ‘responsive’ website?

A responsive website is a single website that adapts to any screen size so it’s as easy to use on mobile as it is on tablet and desktop – no pinching or horizontal scrolling required.

The design instinctively adapts to the device it is being viewed on so it looks great on a mobile, tablet and desktop.

In simple words, a responsible website is device friendly to mobile, desktop and larger screen interfaces.

In a nutshell, a responsive website is a website that allows your website to adapt to the size of any screen it is being viewed on.
So it could be viewed on say, a desktop, phone, or a tablet etc and users won’t ‘notice any difference’ in your site’s general appearance on their screen.

Why You Should Get A Responsive Website Today

Increased Traffic From Mobile Users
More than 60% of internet users access websites from their mobile phones. Thereby, your website being mobile responsive creates the opportunity for easy accessibility from these users.
This ensures that people you retain your mobile viewers. And they might also remember to visit your website some other time whenever they are in search of services you offer.

Lower Cost And Website Maintenance
Another benefit of using a responsive website is: it offers you a lower maintenance cost as compared to running two versions of one website.
Before responsive websites, most websites usually had a mobile version and desktop version. Now with responsive design, there is no need for that. Right now, the high cost of creating and maintaining two separate websites is not necessary.
Besides, it takes less time to setup. And it’s easier to maintain one responsive website than maintaining two versions of the same site.


Provides a Seamless User Experience
Unresponsive websites usually distort the way your website appears on devices like mobile phones, and tablet. It might look ideal on your PC but mobile users will find it stressful scrolling up and down to read easy content on your website.
Whereas desktop viewers might have no problem viewing your website, but the same cannot be said for mobile users.
Texts might be jumbled, images unaligned and some scripts may malfunction. This adds to the trouble for your clients, visitors or audience to use your site smoothly and seamlessly.


Adapts Easily To Any Screen Size
Phones come in varieties of sizes and having a responsive site makes your users irrespective of their device scroll freely. Also with newer devices coming up like watches, gears, and even larger screens, a responsive site moves along with the size of your screen.


A Responsive Website Improves Your SEO Efforts
Responsive websites have a greater likelihood of ranking high on search engines.
The ‘user focused’ experience, and high-quality content could increase the time viewers spend on your website. Thereby making users stick around for the long run.


Google Compatibility
Google recommends a responsive website design pattern. If your website is not too suitable for mobile users, Google will barely give it reference to viewers on phones and tablets. So to be very viable on the google search network, having a responsive design is very compulsory.


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